
Whether you don’t have the time or the ability to string up your traditional Christmas lights, or just don’t think it’s cost-effective anymore, the KLAREN RED and Green 2 Color Laser Landscape Projector Light. It’s incredibly easy to set up, doesn’t take up much space, and won’t cost you in terms of electricity. The projector is able to project two colors – green and red, allowing you to choose between using them separately or in conjunction. Moreover, you can choose...
Not only do you have to get the ladder, you also have to endure the elements, and while the Independence Day or even Thanksgiving are pleasant to adequate, it’s entirely different business for Christmas. Laser lights cut down the time factor for installing to mere minutes. You go out, mount the projector, point it, and plug it in. No climbing, no hassle. Adhesive Ability Thirdly, and this ties in nicely to the previous, to make the string lighting stick whatever...
1) Laser Spirograph I think I first saw such an arrangement at the Little Shop of Physics outreach program at Colorado State University. Taking a laser pointer and aiming it at a mirror, the beam is directed toward a second mirror, and then on to a third mirror. Each mirror is mounted onto a little motor that can be controlled by a switch (both items easily found at any hobby supply store). In this way, one rotating mirror can reflect...